Friday, July 29, 2011

#3in30 July goals - Week 4 update & August goals

**Edited 8/1 to include pics!**

It's so hard to believe that July is almost over.  Where did it go?  While I don't feel my month was nearly as productive as it could have been towards my 3in30 goals, it's been much more productive than past months have been.

Goal #1 to clean out my rolling cart was finished, leaving behind a lovely box full of stuff that falls into August goal territory.

journals and study books

exercise equipment

cross stitching projects and supplies
box of misc stuff - lots of CDs, cables, and lotions

Goal #2 to create a new filing system, location, and actually file my papers is partially complete.  Alex fixed the filing cabinet the other day; I simply haven't had enough time at home to go through what's in there and straighten it up.  I'm planning on doing that in the morning, in between morning Zumba with Alicia and our late lunch meet-up with Twitter friends Jenn and Heather. I don't expect it to take me long to clean things out once I get started, it's just making the time to actually sit there and do it.

Last used in 2005 - now it's clean and relabeled
the school supply crate

crammed full and there's still more to get

Goal #3 to purge teenagers' clothes is going slowly, mainly b/c it's a task that I have to actually get them to do.  I'm hoping to get them to finish it tomorrow, but it's realistically going to be Sunday afternoon before it gets done.

the start of a pile

I will get them done, and I would dearly love to get them all finished this weekend before July officially wraps to a close. If not, then I'll just wrap them up in August BEFORE I start on my August goals.  :)

So here are my August 3in30 goals.

Goal #1 - Clean out and organize the bathroom cabinets.  I already have lots of cute little baskets ready and waiting to be filled.

baskets are my friend

Goal #2 - Finish my Good Morning Girls book study.  I know I won't finish with the group by August 12 because I got behind on reading again after starting #B90Days.  And I'm not really sure how I'm going to juggle both reading projects unless I can get several days ahead in the Bible.  Sally Clarkson's The Ministry of Motherhood is a good book and I've enjoyed what I've read and learned so far, and I really do want to finish reading it.

Goal #3 - Refocus myself to #hellomornings and getting up early enough for exercise and quiet time. Getting to bed too late and subsequently being too tired in the morning when my alarm goes off is not working for me.   Starting Monday I'm going back to my 9:30 bedtime with a goal of being out of bed by 5:30 and working towards a 5:00 wake up again.

So there are my goals: practical, spiritual, and physical.  Check back next week to see how it's going. :)


  1. I posted a comment earlier, but it didn't

    I know you will do great at your goals this month. I will be praying for you for your b90days.

  2. I really look up to you for getting up that early! lol Good luck in August!

  3. I am so with you on the #hellomornings! up early for devos and exercise AND blogging?!?! Only solution = earlier to bed. not enough hours in the day. Thanks for sharing! (visiting from #3in30)


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