Bible in 90 days - week 2 update...
I've pushed myself hard and made my #b90days reading my priority above everything else with much success. I'm on track with Day 14 and have read 13.6% of the Bible (4 books) in just 2 weeks! I'm super excited about my progress; I feel like I really can do this. :) I'm also loving the friends I'm making, the conversations we're having, and the knowledge I'm gaining.
#3in30 July goals - week 3 update...
I haven't made any new progress on my goals, but I haven't fallen behind either.
I've thus far managed to not rejunk my cart. School supplies continue to be purchased and put in their new crate. (In fact, all I have left to buy are binders, pens, and spirals.) I do still have a stack of new organizer trays and baskets sitting on top of my cart, but some of those are for an August project and some are for the kitchen and 31 Days to Clean.
Goal #2 - Create new filing location and system. File papers.I'm still waiting on Alex to straighten my filing cabinet if he can. I've been telling him all week and it's obviously not done. I'll be sure to make it get done today. I want to get some progress done on this task one way or the other.
Goal #3 - Purge teenagers' clothing items and identify what needs to be replaced.
This hasn't been done either and will be this week's project for them.
New phones...
For the past few week's I've been participating in Coffee Lovin Mom's Coffee Trifecta giveaways. I was absolutely THRILLED Thursday night when she DM'd me to tell me I'd won the 2 bonus mugs she was giving away. They haven't arrived yet, but I'll share a picture when I get them. I love following Amy's coffee-related tweets throughout the day. Sometime's they're the caffeine-free inspiration I need. :)
My old G1 finally decided to die last weekend. It's been acting up for a while now, but while Manny and I were out with friends he saw first-hand what it was doing. Since T-Mobile no longer carries batteries for it, he went ahead and upgraded me. I got the Samsung Galaxy S phone and I LOVE IT! I have everything I need and more at the swipe of my finger. The screen is larger and clearer than on my G1, and makes it an absolute breeze for bible reading. I also love that I have a Kindle app on it, because I can buy Brooke's Warrior Prayers for Kindle now. (On a side note, I can't believe how easy it is to read on the Kindle app. No wonder people love it so much. I might have just been converted!)
I'm holding steady but I'm tired of it. I've been tracking my food and exercise for a while, but I've been lackadaisical about exercising enough to make a difference. But now I have an even better form of motivation - my bestie Alicia is getting married next summer and needs an extra big push to stay motivated and drop a few pounds before the wedding. And so we decided it's time to get real and do this thing right. Teaming up with another of my best heart sisters, Vickie, we've got a plan for 3 days of Zumba together (it's always more fun with friends!) and I created a shared spreadsheet where we can track numbers and goals. I can't wait to report on our progress! Since I'm not squeamish about sharing my own weight loss information, you can expect to hear more on the subject in future posts.
Goal #2 - Create new filing location and system. File papers.I'm still waiting on Alex to straighten my filing cabinet if he can. I've been telling him all week and it's obviously not done. I'll be sure to make it get done today. I want to get some progress done on this task one way or the other.
Goal #3 - Purge teenagers' clothing items and identify what needs to be replaced.
This hasn't been done either and will be this week's project for them.
New phones...
My old G1 finally decided to die last weekend. It's been acting up for a while now, but while Manny and I were out with friends he saw first-hand what it was doing. Since T-Mobile no longer carries batteries for it, he went ahead and upgraded me. I got the Samsung Galaxy S phone and I LOVE IT! I have everything I need and more at the swipe of my finger. The screen is larger and clearer than on my G1, and makes it an absolute breeze for bible reading. I also love that I have a Kindle app on it, because I can buy Brooke's Warrior Prayers for Kindle now. (On a side note, I can't believe how easy it is to read on the Kindle app. No wonder people love it so much. I might have just been converted!)
I'm holding steady but I'm tired of it. I've been tracking my food and exercise for a while, but I've been lackadaisical about exercising enough to make a difference. But now I have an even better form of motivation - my bestie Alicia is getting married next summer and needs an extra big push to stay motivated and drop a few pounds before the wedding. And so we decided it's time to get real and do this thing right. Teaming up with another of my best heart sisters, Vickie, we've got a plan for 3 days of Zumba together (it's always more fun with friends!) and I created a shared spreadsheet where we can track numbers and goals. I can't wait to report on our progress! Since I'm not squeamish about sharing my own weight loss information, you can expect to hear more on the subject in future posts.
Current weight: 193
Final goal: 140
Mini goal: <189
2 week maintenance reward: Mandisa's new CD
I realize my mini goal may sound odd, but I was at 186 in May, went up to 191 post-vacation, and have been bouncing back and forth between 191-193 ever since then. I'm tired of it, so I decided that if I can just get into the 180s and stay there for 2 weeks, then I'll reward myself. Then I decided that all rewards will be based on a 2 week maintenance cycle b/c it syncs up with my paydays and makes it easier to budget in rewards but it also means I have to work harder to earn the goal. It's a lot harder to maintain a goal weight than it is to reach it, IMO!
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