Friday, July 1, 2011

July challenges

Since this is the first week of July, I'm claiming today as a fresh start.  I'm not looking to the past, I'm looking ahead to the future.  May I present to you my July #3in30 goals.

  1. Clean out and organize rolling cart.  Repurpose drawers.
  2. Create new filing location and system. File papers.
  3. Purge teenagers' clothing items and identify what needs to be replaced


  1. I have a huge pile of papers that need filed! I should get on that some day... Good luck with your goals this month! :)

  2. Those look like managable goals for this month! I'll be cheering you on!

  3. Good luck! Love that coffee photo in your header!

  4. Good job! After the Great Fall Consignment Sale Project, then I'll be working on getting rid of crap/clutter in other areas. Paper drowns us here!


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