Goal #1 is done. Complete. Accomplished! I took everything out of the cart, putting school supplies in their new crate, papers that need to be filed and the miscellaneous assorted CDs and cables and lotions in a filing box until they can be put away properly, wiped down inside the drawers, and then put the stuff that belongs there back. The bottom drawer is restocked with my cross-stitch supplies, the top drawer is journals and bible/book study supplies (including the unread books), and the middle drawer will be for my small exercise equipment. It feels so great to have all that done though, and I really really want to get that box of stuff taken care of so it doesn't just sit and accumulate more junk. LOL
Goal #2 - Create new filing location and system. File papers.
I still have to get Alex to straighten out my filing cabinet if he can, and if he can't, I'm going to go buy a 2nd black crate and use that. It's got little ledges inside so it can easily be used for hanging files and the crates would stack together nicely in a corner.
Goal #3 - Purge teenagers' clothing items and identify what needs to be replaced.
This hasn't been done either, but at least I think they've gotten everything washed. I've decided that anything not worn in the past 6 months gets tossed, handed down, or donated. That should eliminate about 80% of the "extra laundry" I always end up doing. I'm not kidding when I say that Alex probably has 2 drawers crammed with t-shirts that haven't seen the light of day since we moved into this house 3 years ago. Once that's done, they'll be better prepared to take inventory of what they have so I know what they need.

This hasn't been done either, but at least I think they've gotten everything washed. I've decided that anything not worn in the past 6 months gets tossed, handed down, or donated. That should eliminate about 80% of the "extra laundry" I always end up doing. I'm not kidding when I say that Alex probably has 2 drawers crammed with t-shirts that haven't seen the light of day since we moved into this house 3 years ago. Once that's done, they'll be better prepared to take inventory of what they have so I know what they need.
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