I've been on a roll this weekend. Last night I ordered the books
Nourishing Traditions and
The Body Ecology Diet, along with
water Kefir grains. The Kefir grains we're going to use to try to make homemade soda and as a smoothie base.
Today, I started putting together my smoothie bags. I measured 1 cup of frozen mixed fruit (strawberries, peaches, mango, pineapple) and 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries into freezer bags. The bananas are cut into 1"ish chunks on waxed paper and popped into the freezer. Then Andy and I washed, de-stemmed, and steamed fresh kale and spinach, along with half a cucumber.
Andy helping to de-stem the kale |
Steamed spinach and cucumber |
Kale in the steamer |
The greens were poured into ice cube trays and are freezing with the bananas. Once everything is frozen, each bag will get a banana and green cubes added to it. All I'll have to do is add milk, coconut water (or kefir water once I've got some made!) and whey protein in the Ninja with a smoothie bag and blend for an easy breezy meal on the run. :)
Tray of freezing banana chunks, the first batch of green cubes, and the start of my smoothie bags |
I think I need more bananas and more greens and more berries so I can make more smoothie bags. Although what I really need is a deep freezer!
Once I try my recipe and tweak it to near perfection, I'll post it to share!
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