As a momma to two teenage boys, I can attest that boys need all the prayers they can get, and then some more! And then when you think you've prayed all you can for one day, you need to pray some more because you know that in the next 10 minutes - or 2, if they're like my boys - they'll have done or said something that will leave you praying not only for your
But there's hope because you're not alone, and there's help for you.
The Lord in all His awesome wonder, laid it on the heart of a wonderful woman and fellow boy mom, Brooke, to share her heart and His words in the form of her e-book, Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most.
This wonderful book contains 21 dedicated prayer topics chosen specifically for boys. Brooke even gives you 10 scriptures for each topic that you can pray over your boys. See how easy it is? You buy the book {available in PDF, Kindle, or Nook versions; it's very inexpensive and more than well worth it}, you read it, and you pray for your boys.
And if you're boys are anything at all like my boys, you'll read it so many times you'll eventually start to memorize those scriptures. ;o)
Want to know what makes this oh-so-wonderful book even better? The fall session of 21 Days of Prayer for Sons runs Sept 6-26 and you can sign up here. There are even groups for all kinds of different boy moms, no matter what stage in life your boys are at. {I've joined FB groups for middle school, high school, and working moms. I figure between the 3 groups, someone will understand my frustrations!}
This will be my 3rd session, but not just my 3rd time reading it. :o) Make the time to pray for your boys. You won't regret it.
Disclaimer: Although Brooke is giving away a free copy of the Leader's Guide to those that blog about the book and the fall session, I was going to do it anyway so the guide is just a bonus. I'm not ready to lead a session yet, but hopefully soon.
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